Environmentally friendly Hot Tub Covers. “CFC – free foam” – our cover manufacturer uses a foam manufacturing process that uses steam rather than ozone-depleting freon agents therefore protecting the ozone layer! The covers are specifically designed for our cold harsh climates. Tub & Deck Tech strives to provide our customers with the best possible quality covers.
- High insulating value (3″ has 13.11 R factor)
- Tapered foam; 3″-2″, 4″-3″, 5″-4″, and 5″-4″ Walk on with a 2lb density foam
- Foam inserts wrapped in a poly bag resulting in minimal water absorption
- Aluminum “C” channel runs the length of the fold for added support
- Durable marine grade top vinyl with U.V. and mold/mildew inhibitors
- Vinyl laminated bottom materials
- 4 safety straps meeting ASTM standards
- Reinforced handles
- Standard 3″ Skirt length
- Custom made in attractive colors: White, Almond, Tan, Desert Sand, Brown, Chestnut, Burgundy, Sky Blue, Navy, Teal, Yew Green, Hunter Green, Lt. Grey, Charcoal Grey, Black
- Ambassador series vinyl is a textured vinyl with a woven appeal. Colours offered are; Ambassador Charcoal, Ambassador Sand Dune, Ambassador Blue, Ambassador Green
- Reflective bottom vinyl is available upon request.
Cover can be easily folded by one person and left on the end of the spa, leaving 3/4 of the spa accessible.
- 4″ tapered to 3″ foam
- 4″ insulating foam has 17.5R factor
- 6 pieces aluminum ‘C’ channe; for greater strength
- Minimal water absorption: foam is heat sealed in plastic bag
- Durable marine grade top vinyl with U.V. and mildew inhibitors
- Vinyl laminated bottom materials
- Safety latches
- Reinforced handles
- Full 2″ skirt for improved heat retention
- Custom made in attractive colors: gray, brown, tan, dark blue, dark green, teal green, sky blue, burgundy and black
Please contact us for our hot tub cover pricing.
** All above descriptions are from H.S.T. Synthetics LTD.
Measuring your Hot Tub/Spa for a New Cover
Regardless of the shape your Hot Tub, you should measure from lip to lip, or the outside edge of the acrylic which is the same as lip to lip. After you have a lip to lip measurement you can add up to 1″ on both length and width. This will give you a 1/2″ of play all around your spa cover.
Skirt Measurement
The skirt is the flap that hangs from the bottom of your cover. If you have a wood rail as in the picture above measure from the top of the wood rail to the top of your hot tub acrylic. You will want your measurement to be a little short rather than long so the skirt does not bunch. If you do not have a wood rail then you want to measure from the top of the hot tub to the bottom of the hot tub lip and add 1/2″.
Square Cover
The square hot tub cover is the easiest cover to measure, just measure your outside lip to lip, and add 1″ to each dimension. The only other measurement you will need is the skirt length.
Rectangle Cover
The same as the square hot tub cover, but make sure you request the fold direction you require. Most companies will by default cut the longer of the two sides in half.
Square or Rectangle with Radius Corners
Follow the square and rectangle hot tub cover procedure and add the radius measurement.
This is the one that makes everyone worried. As the diagram shows the easiest way to measure a radius is with a carpenter square. The dimension needed is from the start of the bend to the imaginary point of the square if the tub was actually square. If you are measuring the acrylic edge, take your measurement and subtract 1”.